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lateinamerikanische küche berlin





Bitte beachten Sie, dass unsere Speisekarte traditionsgemäß wechselt. Reservieren Sie

Ihren Tisch im Voraus hier.


Platos Frios

Fusion küche berlin

Fusion Cuisine

Cocina Libre



In Limettensaft eingelegter roher Fisch mit Tigermilch, Lemongrass, Sellerie, Chili Habanero, Koriander, Avocado,rote Zwiebeln, Süβkartoffel, gerösteter Peruvian Mais, Alge



En aromático zumo de lima, se refrescan las láminas de pescado fresco recién fileteadas, apio, hierba de Limòn, cilantro, chili habanero, camote, maíz peruano tostado, Alga

Raw fish marinated in lime juice with tiger milk,  celery, cilantro, Chili habanero, sweet potato, lemongrass, Avocado, roasted peruvian corn, Alga




Fusion küche berlin

Sashimi de Tuna

roter Thunfisch, gelbe Chili-Tigermilch, Wakame, Süßkartoffel,Frühlingzwiebeln,Chalaquita, Koriander Kresse   

Atùn rojo en làminas, leche de tigre con chili amarillo, Alga Wakame, Camote, Cebollita de verdeo, Chalaquita, Brotes de Cilantro


Red Tuna, yellow chili tigermilk, wakame, chalaquita, sweet potato, spring onions, coriander sprouts




Tako - Ika Ceviche

Oktopus, Calamari, Kalamata, Tigermilch, Sesamöl, schwarze Oliven, Cancha, Süßkartoffel, flambierte Avocado, Zitronenperlen,         Koriander sprossen

Fusion küche berlin



Pulpo, Aceituna Kalamata, Calamar, Leche de Tigre, Camote, Aceite de Sésamo,         Aceituna negra, Avocado flameado, Perlas de Limòn, brotes de Cilantro 




Octopus, Calamari, kalamata olives, tigermilk, sweet potato, sesame oil, black olive, flambéed avocado, lemon pearls, coriander cress










Bei unseren Speisen legen wir großen Wert auf die frische und sorgfältige Zubereitung aller Produkte. Da alles frisch vorbereitet wird, bitten wir Sie um Verständnis wenn es man etwas länger dauert.

Denn bei uns wird Qualität groß geschrieben!




Sashimi vegan

Wassermelone, gelbe Chili-Tigermilch, Ponzu, Frühlingzwiebeln,Chalaquita, Koriander Kresse   

Sandìa en làminas, leche de tigre con chili amarillo, Soja, Cebollita de verdeo, Chalaquita, Brotes de Cilantro


Watermelon, yellow chili tigermilk, chalaquita, spring onions, coriander sprouts




Fusion küche berlin


Wildkräuter,Tomaten Confit, Palmenherzen, Mango-Gel, Kohlrabi, Maracuja Vinaigrette  

Hierbas Silvestres, Tomates confitados, Palmitos, gel de Mango, Colinabo, Vinagreta de Maracuyá


         Wild herbs, Tomato confit, Heart of palm, Mango gel, Kohlrabi,              Passion fruit vinaigretta






Erbsen Mousse

Kartoffeln, Rote Bete-Creme, Rahm, Limettengelee, Tomatenschaum, Erbsenkresse

Papas Brunoise, Crema de Remolacha, Crema de Leche, Gel de Lima, Espuma de Tomate,   

​brotes de guisantes



Brunoise potatoes, Beetroot cream, lime jelly, crem, Tomato foam, Pea cress







Fusion küche berlin


Blumenkohl,Mole Sauce, Weiß - Rot, Cashewkerne, Pinenkernen, grüner Chili, Cumin, rote Chili, Weiße Bohnen, Rote Bohnen, Maistortilla     

Coliflor, Salsa Mole ( blanca - roja ), Anacardos, nueces de Pino, Comino, Chili verde, Chili rojo, Frijoles, Tortillas de Maíz.


Cauliflower, Salsa Mole, Red - white, Cashew nuts, Pine nuts, green Chili, red Chili, white Beans, red Beans, Corn Tortillas




When it comes to our dishes, we attach great importance to the fresh and careful preparation of all products. Since evWhen it comes to our dishes, we attach great importance to the fresh and careful preparation of all products. Since everything is freshly prepared, we ask for your understanding if it takes a little longer. Because quality is very important to userything is freshly prepared, we ask for your understanding if it takes a little longer. Because quality is very important to us


When it comes to our dishes, we attach great importance to the fresh and careful preparation of all products. Since everything is freshly prepared, we ask for your understanding if it takes a little longer. Because quality is very important to us


Pulpo al Carbón

                    Oktopus - Hokkaido - Maniok - Anticucho sauce - Pfeffer - rote Chili -                          Knoblauch - Cumin - Cidre - Fenchel sprossen

Pulpo - Hokkaidó - Yuca carbonizada - salsa Anticucho - pimienta - comino - Chili rojo Ajo - Sidra - brote de Anis



​Octopus - Hokkaido pumpkin - yuca carbonidez - Salsa Anticucho - pepper - red Chili - garlic - cumin - Cider - fennel cress






Fusion küche berlin


 Sous Vide Schweinebäckchen - Dauphinois Gratin - Nussbutter - Wilder Spargoli- Rotwein - Demi - Glacé aus Lila Mais -Senfkörner - Kresse 



Cachetitos de cochino cocinado al vacío - Hojas de papas gratinadas - Manteca tostada - Bróccoli silvestre - Vino rojo - Demi-Glacé de Chicha morada - semillas de Mostaza - Brotes verdes

Pork cheeks - Gratin Dauphinois - nutbutter - wild broccoli - red wine - demiglacé - mustards seeds - green cress




Confit Lamm

Lammkeule...mal anderes...
schalotten, frühlingzwiebeln, Weißwein, Kichererbsen-Hummus, Knusper Erbsen, Petersilie Öl


Fusion küche berlin

Cordero estofado, cebollín, Chalotes, Vino blanco, Humus de garbanzos, garbanzo crujiente, aceite verde de perejil

Lamb, Shallots, spring Onions, white wine, Chickpea humus, crispy peas, parsley oil






Blaubeer - Himbeer - Minzekresse



Crème Brulee de Quinoa -  Arándano - Frambuesa - Brotes de Menta

 Crème brulee -  blueberry - raspberry - mint cress







Coco-Panna Cotta

Kokonuss - Zitrone Gel - Mango creme - Tonkabohne -Melisse

Leche de Coco - Gel de Limón - crema de Mango - Tonka


Coconut - lemon gel - mango cream -  tonka bean - lemon balm cress​








Saison Dessert

Früchten - Mandarine-Thai Basilikum Sorbet - Preiselbeerschaum




​Frutas de Estación -  Sorbete de Mandarina con Albahaca tailandesa -  Espuma de arándano







Seasonal fruits -  mandarin sorbet - Thai basil - cranberry foam​







lateinamerikanische küche berlin
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